Before starting any construction, be it a small private house or a high-rise / a large enterprise, geotechnical surveys are carried out. The physical and mechanical properties of soils, bearing capacity, hydrogeological characteristics of the terrain are studied. The materials of geotechnical surveys are used in the elaboration of design documentation.
The survey is carried out in several stages:
- Obtaining technical specifications for production of geotechnical surveys from the design organization/customer.
- An engineering geologist determines the scope and volume of field work according to the task and regulatory documents. Also, the work is done to study the materials of previous surveys (if there are any) and to study of the geological structure characteristics of the terrain and hydrology in literary and library sources.
- Coordination of earthworks with the relevant services, obtaining permits.
Field works. Before the start of field works on-site coordination of drilling points is carried out with representatives of the relevant organizations and of the customer. The layout of drill holes and sounding sites is carried out. During geotechnical reconnaissance the geologist examines and records the processes and phenomena that influence geotechnical conditions of construction, such as waterlogging areas, flooding, erosion, soil subsidence, mud-streams, etc., as well as the visible deformation of constructions. During drilling, disturbed and undisturbed soil samples and groundwater are taken for laboratory studies. Hydrogeological observations are also carried out. Static or dynamic sounding is performed to determine the strength of soils.
Laboratory testing of soils.
Office study of field materials and of the results of laboratory studies of soils. Preparation of technical report on engineering geology in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.