Surveying and engineering geology is a basic requirement for civil engineering projects. Quality control is necessary to meet the specified accuracy requirements.
1.Our staff is qualified and possesses qualification certificates issued by UE “Belstroitsentr” in accordance with the law and hasrelevant work experience. Refresher courses in the relevant fieldsare regularly attended by our employees.
2. We have up-to-date certified equipment which is tested, accredited, calibrated and maintained in certified calibration laboratories. Transportation, storage and operation of the equipment is performed in line with the manufacturers’ recommendations. Precision measuring equipment is transported in specially designed customcases and boxes.
3. ISO 9001 Quality Control System, internal quality control,external audit.
4.During drilling and sampling, the resultsarerecordedinthedrilllogwhich is stored in the archive.
5. When performing static/dynamic penetration tests to determine soil shear strength, digital recorders are used to capture the data and rule out the possibility of humanerror.
6. The deformation and strength characteristics of soils are determined using special software, to which the digital data is transmitted from the probe recorder/controller.
When field work is performed, the digital data is transmitted via internet on a daily basis to the office (where, as maybe required in case of urgency, the data processing begins). The backup copies are saved and stored.
7. Results of accuracy testing and test data processing are recorded in the log with a date of check and a signature of the person performing the check
8. We conduct our business in compliance with the regulations set forth by the following documents: the resolutions and guidelines published by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the methodical documents and technological regulatory legal acts of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of the Republic of Belarus(Gosstandart), the documents of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus, documents of the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus, the Articles of Association of the Company, orders and instructions of the Managing Director of the Company, as well as the Regulations on soil testing laboratory, job descriptions and this Quality Control Manual.
9. The Quality Control Manual is in compliance with the requirements of the standard STBISO/IEC 17025-2007 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. The documents relating to management system of the soiltesting laboratory describe the administrative management system, the technical building system, the system for the allocation of responsibilities and the interaction between laboratory staff and other divisions of Geoekoproekt LLC, customers, controlling and other entities.
Our company has developed and implemented a system of occupational health and safetyin accordance with the highest standards.
1. We have a full-time health and safety engineer to manage and control occupational health and safety.
2. In order to prevent occupational accidents and diseases, and to improve the working conditions, healthand safety performance, we are implementing the occupational health and safety plans adopted in compliance with the Regulations on planning and development of occupational health and safety measures approved by thedecision of the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus dd. October 23, 2000, No.136 (The National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2000, No.113, 8/4357).
3. Employee health and safety training, briefing, and knowledge assessment shall comply with the Rules for teaching safe working practices, conducting health and safety training and knowledge assessment, approved by the decision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dd. December 30, 2003, No.164 (The National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2004, No.22, 8/10510), and industry-specificregulatory legal acts.
4. A division manager (or other official) who conducts health and safety training of the Company’s employees shall have:
- abriefinglogbook;
- health and safety guidelines for blue-collar occupations for each specific type of activity;
-programs for employee initial, and refresher, briefings conducted at the workplace
5. Operating processes do not cause pollution to the environment and do not transmit hazards above the maximum allowable levels set by regulatory lega acts and by technological regulatory legal acts
6. The production equipment in use (further the “Equipment”) meets the requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 “Occupational safety standards system. Production equipment General safety requirements”, state standards and specifications for equipment of specific groups, types, models(makes), and therules for design and safe operation of equipment and other regulatory legal acts, technological regulatory legal acts, and the equipment manufacturers’ operating manuals. The equipment isaccompanied by operating documentation in compliance with GOST 2.601.
7. Prior to carrying out works near active underground utility services, health and safety measuresare developed and agreed upon with the utility services operators. The position of underground utility services and systems onsite is marked by the appropriate symbols and legends.
8. Earthworks in the protected zone of live electric cables, or active gas pipelinesare carried out under the supervision of electric cable and gas pipeline operators.
9.Prior to commencing works, we ensure that earthwork swill not adversely impact the neighbouring buildings, construction sorroads; inquire and confirm the position of underground water supply, gas, sewage, power and other utility networks. We take measures to switch off or shut off utilities, or take precautionary measures in cases when it is impossible to switch them off or shut them off;
10. Personal protective equipment is provided toemployees in accordance with the Rules for provision of personal protective equipment approved by the decision of the Ministry of Labour of the Republic of Belarus dd. May 28, 1999, No. 67 (The National Register of Legal Acts oftheRepublicofBelarus, 1999, No. 54, 8/527). Personal protective equipment meets the requirements of the state standards and engineering specifications. Special-purpose clothing and footwear, as well as other personal protective equipment provided to employees, shall suit the specific working conditions and ensure workplace safety. Employees will be protected from exposure to harmful or hazardous occupational factors as much as possible from the workplace.